Sarona Wolter reading a book


How to tell your story: Lessons I've learnt from a Rob Bell's writing class

Hypewomen the Podcast
with Sarona Wolter

Have you ever thought of writing a book, or sharing your personal journey? In this episode, I joined Rob Bell‘s writing class online and learnt so much about storytelling and how to own your voice, whether it’s personal branding or blogging or writing a book. Here’s some great tips.
Women tend to make their voices small to accommodate other people, but our stories can be used to free and inspire so many other young women to transform their lives just by sharing our experiences.
How to make your story engaging and how to navigate sensitive events that you aren’t ready to share…It’s all on this episode!

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Hypewomen Podcast is for people who want to change the narrative of their life. We tap into the stories and mindsets of empowered women from all walks of life around the world. What do they have that you don’t? Take a listen to find out.

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