Gender Bias for Women in Leadership with Mona Algner

Hypewomen the Podcast
with Sarona Wolter

Mona Algner holds two bachelor’s degrees in Business Management and Psychology, along with a master’s degree in Psychology.  Currently, she is pursuing her PhD with a focus on identifying the internal and systemic barriers that prevent women from accessing leadership positions. Moreover, she aims to explore the factors that can empower and enable women in professional leadership roles.

Additionally, Mona is a certified Systemic Coach, which enriches her research and work in this field. She is passionate about driving positive change in workplaces and fostering gender equality by promoting evidence-based management practices. During her free time, Mona enjoys exploring nature through hiking or chasing the perfect espresso.

We spoke about the persistent issue of gender bias in the workplace, particularly in relation to women in leadership positions. We delve into the complexities of gender bias and discrimination in the workplace, exploring the various forms it takes and the ways in which it intersects with other identities.

You may have heard of the glass ceiling, but have you heard of the glass cliff?
We  also shed some light on the Queen B syndrome, no not Beyonce, but the peculiar nature of the female boss holed up in a masculine work culture. 

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